23/24 Season Registration NOW OPEN!
Registration for our 11TH SEASON is now open to current students! As we continue to delve into the art of performing, shining on stage along the way, we invite your child to do the same! Our brand new schedule includes some of your child’s beloved classes from our current season, some returning all-time favorites, and even new programs we’re excited to introduce to our performers. The 23/24 Season runs from August 7, 2023 through June 23, 2024. As a reminder, re-enrollment is required to participate in our 23/24 Season.
All currently enrolled students have priority registration through June 11th, so be sure to secure your child’s favorite classes soon! We open registration to the public on Monday, June 12th.
Click on the spreadsheet below to view our 23/24 class schedule. Classes and times are subject to change. Please refer to this spreadsheet link or your Customer Portal for the most up-to-date schedule information. Once you have picked your classes, head to the Customer Portal to enroll! Be sure to use your current login to access priority registration, as the priority access is linked to your specific account.
Not sure which classes to choose? Check your inbox for an email sent in early-May that contains your child’s class recommendations for the 23/24 Season.
Summer Showcase is Coming Up!
Please read below for details about the upcoming weeks, as well as links to purchase required underdressings.
All performers are required to wear underdressings (aka chicken nuggets) beneath their costumes.
- Girls are required to wear skin-tone leotard and tights (pink tights for girls in Ballet routines)
- Boys are required to wear a white T-shirt and black shorts
We have Nude leotards, Light Suntan tights, and Pink tights available for purchase. You can visit our Customer Portal to check if we have your child’s size in stock. When you purchase from the Portal, you receive an email once your items are ready for pick-up in studio. If we do not carry your child’s size, you can also purchase them here. Be sure to select a skin-tone color (Pink for Ballet) before purchasing through Discount Dance.
Costume Distribution & Dress Rehearsal
There is lots to do before we can celebrate our Stagelighters’ return to the stage. Here is an outline of important dates to note:
- June 12-16: Costume distribution week – all participating performers receive their costumes for the Summer Showcase during their normally scheduled class time
- Performers must come to class wearing their underdressings for quick costume try-on
- June 19-23: In-studio dress rehearsal – all classes participating in Summer Showcase rehearse their routines during class
- Performers must arrive to class in full costume and makeup
- June 24-25: Summer Showcase performances at Valencia High School
- Performers arrive to Valencia high school at their call time, in full costume and makeup
Ticket Sales
The best part about performing is doing so for your friends and family. If you have not purchased your tickets for our Summer Showcase, you can do so HERE! Be sure to double check your child’s cast(s) under their Enrollments through your Customer Portal before purchasing.
If you would like to volunteer to help during our Summer Showcase, please head here. If you volunteer during a show your child is performing in, you can watch them perform from the “wings.”
Your Child is Automatically Dropped From Classes After Showcase
As a reminder, all enrollments are automatically dropped after our Summer Showcase performances on June 24th & 25th. No enrollments will be rolled over into the 23/24 season. If you would like to participate in classes again in the Fall, re-enrollment is required. Please visit your Customer Portal to register.
We can’t wait to show you all that we’ve been working on during classes! If you have any questions, please email stagelightarts@gmail.com.