Hunter Nelson, a student at Stagelight Performing Arts and seasoned performer, has been dancing on stage since the age of 3 and has performed in over 30 theatrical productions since the age of 10– many of which were with Stagelight Productions. Recently, Hunter earned a coveted role in entertainment at the Disneyland Resort, and we caught up with him to ask him all about his experience as a Cast Member.
SPA: What is the most exciting part about working at Disneyland?
HN: The most exciting part about working at Disneyland is helping create the magic the company prides itself on producing. Seeing the joy and enthusiasm on each Guest’s face, and assisting in making someone’s day by performing with some of their favorite characters, makes the late night rehearsals worth it.
SPA: What parts of the job were most surprising to you?
HN: I think I’m most surprised by the people I work with everyday. I know Disneyland is considered the “Happiest Place on Earth,” but the Cast Members I work with really embrace that message. I never go to or leave rehearsal in a bad mood because the pride and love my coworkers exude, and the joy the job brings to everyone, supersedes any negative vibes. So I would say the people were the biggest and most pleasant suprise of the job!
SPA: What advice would you offer young performers interested in working for Disney?
HN: If I offered any advice to a young performer who had their eyes set on Disneyland, it would be to keep their training up, and never lose sight of the real reason they’re performing: for the love of the art. Upon coming to the company I found that people my age and twice my age continue to take technique classes to improve upon their skills, so they are always ready for whatever opportunity might come their way. I’ve also found that they genuinely enjoy performing and have let their fears of not being enough, go. But all in all, as long as you continue to exude your love of the arts, you’ll go a long way!