Summer Showcase gives our students a chance to show off all they have been working on in their classes and have the opportunity to Live on Stage! Each of our group Dance, Musical Theatre, and Vocal classes participate in our Showcase and are assigned to one of our 3 shows.

The performance date, call times, and show times are show-specific.



Please explain to your performer that participating in our showcase is a commitment. Deciding to opt-out of the show after the drop deadline, once their choreography and formations are set is unfair to the instructor, as well as their classmates. Please stress the importance of adhering to this commitment through the show.

Performer call time: 10:00 AM
Show time: 11:30 AM
Fullerton High School Auditorium

Performer call time: 3:00 PM
Show time: 4:30 PM
Fullerton High School Auditorium

Performer Call-time: 2:30 PM
Show time: 4:00 PM
Fullerton High School Auditorium

ticket sales:

Tickets are $15 each, non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Children ages 4 and under who will sit on a lap do not need a ticket for entry.

Tickets On Sale Dates

Triple Threat Performers: May 6, 2025

General: May 13, 2025


All performers are REQUIRED to wear underdressings beneath their costumes


Girls are required to wear skin-tone leotard and skin-tone tights
(pink tights only for Ballet routines)


Boys are required to wear a white T-shirt and black shorts


Please note, that once the package for tights and leotards are opened, we cannot exchange sizes or refund your order. If you're unsure of sizing, please visit us in-studio to try on the leotards or view our tights sizing chart to sure your purchase the correct size for your child.


Volunteer opportunities are open to all parents and Stagelight TAs. If you volunteer during a show your child is performing in, we make sure you can watch them perform from the “wings.”


Showcase Introduction Video 

We know this can be overwhelming! Watch this short 2-minute video for a condensed version of our Showcase information.


During the first week of April, each of your child’s showcase enrollments will be visible in the Customer Portal. In order to avoid being charged any performance fees, you must opt-out of each performance your child is not participating in by April 15th.

  1. Navigate to your child’s account on your Customer Portal account
  2. Click on their ‘Enrollments’ tab
  3. Locate the performance that they will be opting out of (be sure the enrollment says the SHOW before the class title. Otherwise, you might be requesting to drop their class entirely)
  4. Select ‘Drop Enrollment’
  5. Select any date as your drop date
  6. Optional: add notes regarding your reasoning for opting out


Can I request that my child be put in a specific cast?

Unfortunately, no. All classes are assigned to their show based on many factors like class size, age of students, class discipline, day of week, etc. and cannot be changed. 

Does my child still participate in class if they're not performing?

Yes! We still encourage full participation in class throughout the next few months. We love using our non-performing students as a real-world demonstration of the “swing performer” role and having them step into spots where other kids are absent. This is great training for the future (and swing spots generally offer more challenge and compensation!).

I missed the deadline to opt-out of showcase, can I still drop my child from the performance?

Yes you can still opt-out, however, our teachers work extremely hard to plan specific formations and choreography depending on who has committed to participate. If we are more than a few months into the preparation process, it would be incredibly difficult to lose the commitment of any of our performers. We ask that you please reconsider your decision to drop the Showcase after the drop deadline.

Please note, failure to opt-out of the Showcase before the deadline results in being charged a $25 costume fee per class. If you choose to opt-out of Showcase after the drop deadline, any costume fees paid cannot be credited or refunded.

Where does Dress Rehearsal take place?

Dress rehearsal takes place during normal class time, in the last class before the Showcase performance weekend.

What classes perform in the showcase? Which classes qualify as non-performing?

All levels and ages of group vocal, dance, and musical theatre classes participate in Showcase. All levels and ages of Acting, Improv, Private lessons have separate shows in the spring (more info below!)

Ballet Tech/Pre-Pointe, Theatre Production, and Tricks & Turns are qualified as non-performing classes.

Are there shows for the Acting, Improv Acting, and Private Lesson students?

Yes. Acting, Improv Acting, and Private Lesson students have their own performances this spring. More information for Spring shows to come. Please click here to view our studio’s calendar (subject to change).

Where do rehearsals for the showcase take place?

All rehearsals take place during class. No rehearsal time outside of class is required. 

What is a "Chicken Nugget"?

“Chicken Nugget” is just another term for our required nude-colored underdressings. When all the performers wear their nude underdressings, they all look like “Chicken Nuggets!”

How does my child get their costume?

We pass out costumes in class, 2 weeks prior to the performance, during Costume Distribution Week. Students must wear the required underdressings to class.

Do I need to send in my child's measurements?

No, we size costumes in class on the day of costume distribution.

Can I keep my child's costume? What happens when I don't return my costume?

No, you may not keep your child’s costume, as we reuse them for each show. If you do not return the costume after the performance, you will be charged a late rental fee of $50. 

Will tickets be available at the door?

We cannot guarantee tickets on the day of the performance. The best way to secure tickets is by purchasing them online prior to the show. 

Please note that our shows can sell out. 

Am I required to purchase tickets to each show if my child is in multiple casts?

If you wish to watch your child’s performances in each cast that they perform in, then yes, you must purchase a ticket to each cast.

Are there discounts for buying tickets to multiple shows?

Unfortunately, we do not have a multi-show ticket discount at this time.

I accidentally bought tickets for the wrong cast, can I exchange them?

All ticket sales are final. No refunds or exchanges are permitted. Please make sure to check your child’s cast through your Customer Portal before finalizing ticket purchases.

Can I change my seats once I've purchased my tickets? Can I get a refund for unused tickets?

All ticket sales are final. No refunds or exchanges are permitted.

What if my child's cast is sold out?

We know tickets for these shows are in high demand! And although we do not facilitate ticket returns or exchanges, we created a chat forum you can participate in if you’re looking to sell or buy tickets to any of our Showcases on this page.