Former student Remi Wedin was recently accepted into the film school at Chapman University, and one of the pieces she created for her portfolio was inspired by a ballet dance she performed in at Stagelight Performing Arts! We caught up with Remi recently to learn more about animation and her future goals.
SPA: How much time did you spend on creating the ballet animation?
RW: The ballet animation took me a few weeks to complete. The initial poses were not difficult to do, but I spent a majority of the time refining the movement. The entire portfolio took me a year to complete and was composed of 2D drawings, paintings, and 3D animations.
SPA: How has your dance training affected you as an artist?
RW: I think dancers have a very unique understanding of motion and how the body moves, which is extremely important when it comes to animating. I was a bit hesitant to animate a dance sequence because it can go wrong very easily. I watched animations of dances on YouTube before I started the project and it was obvious that the animators were not dancers. They didn’t pay close attention to things like turnout and the feet, so as a dancer I knew it was not technically accurate. Having dance training helped me make the animation look graceful and light.
SPA: What are you looking for in a college as acceptance letters continue to come in?
RW: I’m looking for a college that can push my creativity. Anybody can learn how to use Photoshop, a 3D animating software, or even how to draw, but at the end of the day those things are just tools artists use to get their point across. The only thing that matters is how an artist uses those tools. I think the same thing applies to dance as well. Anybody can choreograph a routine, but not everybody can choreograph a routine that captivates an audience (if that makes sense). My goal as an animator isn’t to move objects or characters – it’s to move audiences, and I’m looking for a school that can help get me there.
We are so proud of Remi, and we wish her the best success in all her future endeavors! #dostagelight