Bonnie QuaasBerryman, 14 years old, is becoming quite the triple threat– dancer, singer, and actress. Enrolled in 14 classes at Stagelight Performing Arts per week, plus 3 private lessons and two hours as a Teacher’s Assistant at Stagelight, this super star fits in multiple productions a year too. We caught up with her recently to discuss her role as the Scarecrow in Stagelight Productions’ Wizard of Oz, running from 1/12-29 at The Curtis Theatre in Brea.
SPA: What is your favorite part about this role?
BQB: My favorite part about the role is actually the falling. It is kinda funny seeing everyone’s reactions, and if after I fall, if I have trouble standing up, it is in character.
SPA: What was the most difficult thing about this role?
BQB: The most difficult part for me is being loose in my legs and my arms because I am so used to dance. In dance, everything is precise. Now, it is all about being loose.
SPA: What do you and the Scarecrow have in common?
BQB: Scarecrow and I are similar in one obvious way: we are both very clumsy. Some of those falls are unscripted!
SPA: Did you do anything special to prepare for this role compared to other roles you’ve played?
BQB: For this role, I watched two movies, watched a YouTube video, made faces in the mirror, worked in my private lesson with Ms. Lindsey, and got knee pads. That was different.