Turn one of your favorite Musical Theatre power ballads into a dramatic monologue. Spend some time memorizing the lyrics (if you don’t already obsess over the song every day!). Think about the emotion this character is portraying. Now, once you have it memorized, don’t sing it, just talk it! Perform it with full emotion and complete commitment to the character. Let us see how you can really show your acting skills! For a challenge, consider choosing a duet and act this out with a sibling or friend. Send us a video of your performance to stagelightathome@gmail.com.
Need some power ballad suggestions?
And I Am Telling You from Dreamgirls
Home from The Wiz
On My Own from Les Miserables
I Still Believe from Miss Saigon
Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid
And likely super relatable at this time of uncertainty:
Tomorrow from Annie and although not a ballad, you might really connect to the lyrics in When Will My Life Begin from Tangled right now!
For additional ideas, check out this curated Spotify playlist. Don’t forget, send us your videos to stagelightathome@gmail.com so we can applaud your acting chops and share with our virtual audience!
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