Today’s activity is more challenging than it appears, IF you really work creatively. Shape each letter in your name as creatively as possible and with your whole body. Practice moving from letter to letter smoothly until you have your “dance” memorized.
Play with the transition from letter to letter to make your dance as interesting and creative as possible. For example, will you move sharply from one letter to another, or smoothly? Will you move fast or slow to each letter? For an added challenge, use different transitions between each letter, sometimes turning, jumping, or rolling.
Choose a song that you want to perform your dance to and practice it ten times. Make sure you hold that end pose! Then, have someone film your dance and send it to us at or post it on social media and tag us @stagelightarts.
Once you get the hang of this activity, try spelling out other words or maybe work with a sibling to create letters! Other words you might try are lucky, love, dance, or perform!